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A little from the past...In reflecting over the years and even in the present there has been nothing but changes in my life.  Most of my heavy changes started when I decided to go back to school to get a college education late in life.  My first goal was to gain a career in teaching. 

When I had decided to go back to school I had several small jobs in the community.   A few weeks later I had the opportunity to landed a job at the local park and recreation district as a supervisor for the after school program. I put my best efforts into my classes and excelled in my job with the kids.  Nine months later the Executive Director of the park district moved me to the Community School Lead as he saw that I was very experienced in programming and working with children.  He often mentioned with a smile,  “Karen, you are missing your calling.  You are not a school teacher you need educate yourself to be a director for park and recreation district.” Of course, I would laugh, but often questioned if he was right.  I enjoyed my job so much I never felt like I was working.  I was changing kids lives, working in my community, and the job allowed time for me to still be a mom.  Our after school program grew from ten kids to seventy during this time.  I was so excited that it just inspired me even more to produce better events and programs for the district. 

Over the next year I received sad news that our Executive Director was retiring.  He pulled me into his office one last time and said, “ Karen, this is where you should be.  You are not only talented in programming and people, but also very talented in leadership and community involvement.  Karen I always had to work at my job, it just comes to you so easily.  You… are amazing this is your destiny.” He then proceeded to turn in my resume for the position of Executive Director.  Three months later I was the Director of Park and Recreation in La Pine, Oregon.  The board was gracious enough to allow me to work on and finish up my education and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in March of 2017.

My education has had the focus of communication and health & wellness.  Communication is very important in the career that I hold.   One must also be able to lead and direct employees and answer well to a board of directors.  As for the health & wellness is near to my heart as I see so many people who are hinder by their pains and diseases.  Many of which could be cured by exercising and eating healthy.  Putting my health & wellness education to work to provide health opportunities to the public through programs at the district.

A little about family....

My family is the most important thing to me. My husband and I are what you would call the modern blended family.  We have been married for over 16 years. We have a total of six children between us.  All of our children are now out and pursuing their dreams.  We are also blessed with three beautiful grandkids that bring such joy to all the family.  Our children live in different states and one even out of the country.  We all make it a point to make sure we stay in touch and encourage each other in creative ways.



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I have found that over the last 12 years at the park and recreation district, raising 6 children, and helping give advice to other young parents I have come to the conclusion that I can help so many others in a positive way. So I have worked hard to gather information, certifications, education to move me to this coaching opportunity.

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