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In our communities today we live in a face-paced world.  Many families are two income households or single parent. Many family units struggle for quality family time, individual care and working towards goals & dreams.  This type of environment can brew to unhealthy boundaries and depression.  Much of society is pushed to work long hours and keep up with the “Jones”, and we put our children into everything that they can be signed up for.  Our society is so stressed out with these pressures of everyday living, that it leaves little time to live healthy and enjoy the  environment around them.  As individuals we communicate on a daily basis, but we are overloaded with conversation media.  The idea of getting off work and  going home to relax use to be to mow the lawn, gardening, or maybe just go for a walk.  Now, our society gravitates towards a chair and pulls out technology to relax. This kind of environment is creating communities that are slowly becoming unhealthy and isolated.  Many people are struggling with chronic pain, obesity, diabetes, heart issues, mental health issues and more. This is all due to lack of caring for oneself, and the stressful environment we live in. 

By building a bridge to health through quality coaching care in a safe and inviting environment, we will encourage community  and family members to grow to a healthy way of life. It is my overall goal to help start this change within you so you can make a difference in your family and community.   One step at a time will mold people to care about their environment, help them stay active, and will create healthier communities for future generations.

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